Cryopreservation of Platelets

Cyropreservation of platelets imparts some activation to the cell that may reduce or enhance efficacy and may carry risk to the patient from an enhanced procoagulant phenotype. We have characterized this phenotype using a variety of in vitro laboratory methods including thromboelastography, thrombin generation, and responses in shear and flow models. We continue to evaluate these data in light of potential risk and benefits to the patient.

Two Phase 1 trials have been completed: autologous in vivo kinetics in healthy subjects and a dose escalation safety trial in thrombocytopenic patients treated for hematologic malignancy. A Phase 2 trial is being planned in cardiopulmonary bypass surgery patients. We will supply all investigational CPP and work closely in supporting regulatory activities.

Selected Publications:

Slichter SJ, Dumont LJ, Cancelas JA, Szczepiorkowski ZM, et al. Treatment of Bleeding in Severely Thrombocytopenic Patients with Transfusion of DMSO Cryopreserved Platelet Products (CPP) is Safe – Report of a Phase 1 Dose Escalation Safety Trial. BLOOD 2016:128;1030.

Cid J, Escolar G, Galan A, Lopez-Vilchez I, Molina P, Dıaz-Ricart M, Lozano M, Dumont LJ. In vitro evaluation of the hemostatic effectiveness of cryopreserved platelets. Transfusion 2016;56:580-6. PMID: 26450525.

Dumont LJ, Slichter SJ, Reade MC. Cryopreserved Platelets – Frozen in a Log-Jam ? Transfusion. 2014 Aug;54(8):1907-10. PMID: 25130330.

Dumont LJ,* Cancelas JA,* Dumont DF, Siegel AH, Szczepiorkowski ZM, Rugg N, Pratt PG, Worsham DN, Hartman EL, Dunn SK, O’Leary M, Ransom JH, Michael RA, Macdonald VW. A randomized controlled trial evaluating recovery and survival of 6% dimethyl sulfoxide–frozen autologous platelets in healthy volunteers. TRANSFUSION 2013;53:128-137. PMID: 22671278